Back in Grade 5, the wise owls in poetry writing contest held by WaterAid. They wrote poems about water.
Thanks to WaterAid for the opportunity. Here they are, proudly showing off their certificates and pins from WaterAid :
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Primary 6, Creating Moments To Remember
The wise owls are in Primary 6 now!!! Congrats dearest owls! You've done well!
This year, the wise owls welcome back their old buddy, Gilbert, who had been away for a year, and that means....
The Secret 9 is back! Woohoo...
Keep yourself updated with our activities in Primary 6 cause our wise owls are so ready to create moments to remember....
This year, the wise owls welcome back their old buddy, Gilbert, who had been away for a year, and that means....
The Secret 9 is back! Woohoo...
Keep yourself updated with our activities in Primary 6 cause our wise owls are so ready to create moments to remember....
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Monday, May 12, 2014
Monday, April 7, 2014
Simple Machine Project
In Science class, the wise owls learned about Simple Machines. They created "Dog Feeder" and "Balloon Popper" using inclined planes, pulleys and wedges. Watch their presentations through the links below:
What do you think? Cool, huh? Try create yours and share it with us! ^o^
What do you think? Cool, huh? Try create yours and share it with us! ^o^
class activity,
students' works,
Batari School Open House March 2014 (Performance by P5)
Did you miss our Open House on 23rd March 2014? Well, don't worry. We have uploaded one of the stage performances on Youtube. Just click on this link below to enjoy our P5 performance:
Grade 5,
Open House 2014,
school events,
Thursday, March 27, 2014
We are so proud to inform everyone that one of our P5 students, Vitto Surya Tedja, won the poster design competition held by! Vitto's design has been chosen out of 100+ entries all around the world!
We'd like to thank everyone at JustADrop, Ms. Nicola Swann, and Chris Cook for judging. Thank you for the opportunities and support! We look forward to participating in your next year's event.
Below is the winning design by Vitto :
Good job, Vitto! So proud of you! Keep up your good work!
Again, it's time for us to shout out : WE ARE SMALL, BUT WE DO BIG THINGS! ^o^
We'd like to thank everyone at JustADrop, Ms. Nicola Swann, and Chris Cook for judging. Thank you for the opportunities and support! We look forward to participating in your next year's event.
Below is the winning design by Vitto :
Good job, Vitto! So proud of you! Keep up your good work!
Again, it's time for us to shout out : WE ARE SMALL, BUT WE DO BIG THINGS! ^o^
World Water Day Poster Competition
Around the world, 22nd March is recognised as World Water Day. To celebrate this, the wise owls participated in a poster design competition. The competition is held by They had to design a water-drop shaped poster, on the theme of ‘Why Water Matters’.
The winning artist will be chosen by former Olympic swimmer and Just a Drop schools’ ambassador, Chris Cook.
Here are the designs created by our wise owls :
The winning artist will be chosen by former Olympic swimmer and Just a Drop schools’ ambassador, Chris Cook.
Here are the designs created by our wise owls :
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by : Austin |
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by : Jasmine |
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by : Justin |
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by : Leony |
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by : Mirza |
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by : Rachel |
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by : Rhodrick |
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by : Vitto |
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Malaria (Plasmodium) life cycle
Credit :
Cacingan (3)
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Cacingan (2)
Credit :
Cacingan (1)
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Monday, March 10, 2014
First Aid : Minor Burns
Here's another first aid tips to handle minor burns. Click these links below to find them on Youtube :
class activity,
First Aid,
Grade 5,
Health Education,
First Aid : Nosebleed
Get nosebleeds and don't know what to do? Well, we've got some tips you need. Click on the links below to watch them on Youtube :
class activity,
First Aid,
Grade 5,
Health Education,
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
First Aid : Minor Cuts
Our P5 would like to share some tips on how to treat minor cuts. Check out their videos by clicking on the links below :
class activity,
First Aid,
Grade 5,
Health Education,
Friday, February 28, 2014
We proudly present you, our very own drama, BUKAN MALIN KUNDANG. This drama was presented by our P5 students during BATARI SCHOOL Year End Event in December 2013 as a tribute to mothers. This is the audio version. Click on this link below to enjoy it!
Friday, February 21, 2014
What Causes Ventricular Fibrillation?
What are the risk factors for ventricular fibrillation?
A risk factor is something which increases the likelihood of developing a condition or disease. For example, obesity significantly raises the risk of developing diabetes type 2. Therefore, obesity is a risk factor for diabetes type 2.The following risk factors are linked to ventricular fibrillation:
- Having had ventricular fibrillation before
- A previous heart attack
- Cardiomyopathy - disease of the heart muscle (myocardium)
- Cocaine and/or methamphetamine use
- Congenital heart disease - being born with a heart defect
- Electrocution or other injuries that resulted in heart muscle damage
Can people with pacemaker go through metal detector?
Devices that may interfere with a pacemaker:
Anti-theft systems (also called electronic article surveillance or EAS):
Interactions with EAS systems are unlikely to cause clinically
significant symptoms in most patients. However, the American Heart
Association recommends that you:
Therapeutic radiation (such as for cancer treatment): May damage the pacemaker's circuits.
- Be aware that EAS systems may be hidden or camouflaged in entrances and exits in many businesses.
- Don't stay near the EAS system longer than is necessary.
- Don't lean against the system.
- Don't stay near the metal detector longer than is necessary.
- Don't lean against the system.
- If scanning with a hand-held metal detector is necessary, tell the security personnel that you have a pacemaker. Ask them not to hold the metal detector near the device any longer than is absolutely necessary. Or ask for an alternative form of personal search.
- Technology is rapidly changing as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) makes new frequencies available.
- Newer cellphones using these new frequencies might make pacemakers less reliable.
- A group of cellphone companies is studying that possibility.
- Bluetooth® headsets do not appear to interfere with pacemakers.
- Keep your headphones at least 1.2 inches (3 cm) away from your pacemaker.
- Never rest your head on the chest of a person with pacemaker while you're wearing headphones.
- Both the earbud and clip-on types of headphones can cause interference.
- Do not place headphones in a breast pocket or drape them over your chest.
- This procedure may be done safely in most pacemaker patients, with some reprogramming of the pacing.
- You'll need careful follow-up after the procedure and for several months to be sure your pacemaker is working properly.
- ESWL should be avoided in patients with certain kinds of pacemakers implanted in the abdomen.
- Discuss your specific case with your doctor before and after the treatment.
- Metal objects are attracted to the magnet and are normally not allowed near MRI machines.
- The magnet can interrupt the pacing and inhibit the output of pacemakers.
- If MRI must be done, the pacemaker output in some models can be reprogrammed.
- Discuss with your doctor the possible risks and benefits before you undergo MRI scanning.
- If you work closely with or near such equipment, be aware of the risk that your pacemakers may not work properly in those conditions.
- Follow your healthcare provider's instructions about being around such equipment.
- RFA is usually performed before the pacemaker is implanted.
- Studies have shown that most permanent pacemakers aren't adversely affected by radio frequencies during catheter ablation.
- However, if RFA is performed with a pacemaker, a variety of changes in your pacemaker are possible during and after the treatment.
- Your doctor should carefully evaluate your pacing system after the procedure.
Therapeutic radiation (such as for cancer treatment): May damage the pacemaker's circuits.
- The degree of damage is unpredictable and may vary with different systems.
- The risk is significant and builds up as the radiation dose increases.
- The American Heart Association recommends that the pacemaker be shielded as much as possible and moved if it lies directly in the radiation field.
- If you depend on your pacemaker for normal heart pacing, your electrocardiogram (ECG) should be monitored during the treatment, and your pulse generator should be tested often after and between radiation sessions.
- Most studies have shown that TENS rarely inhibits bipolar pacing.
- It may sometimes briefly inhibit unipolar pacing. This can be treated by reprogramming the pulse generator
During AED shock, why can't we touch the casualty?
AED Precautions
- Do Not touch the victim while defibrillating. You or someone else could get shocked.
- Do Not use alcohol to wipe the victim's chest dry. Alcohol is flammable.
- Do Not use an AED in a moving vehicle. Movement may affect the analysis.
- Do Not use an AED on a victim who is in contact with water. Move victims away from puddles of water or swimming pools or out of the rain before defibrillating. (See above answer to the question "Can AEDs be used safely in the rain and snow?")
- Do Not use an AED on a victim lying on a conductive surface. Conductive surfaces, such as sheet metal or metal bleachers, may transfer the shock to others.
- Do Not use an AED on a child under age 8 or under 90 pounds. AEDs do not have the capability to adjust to the low-energy settings needed for infants and children. Local protocols may differ on this and should be followed.
- Do Not use an AED on a victim who has a nitroglycerine or other patch. Remove any patches from the chest before attaching the device.
- Do Not touch the vicitm while the AED is analyzing. Touching or moving the victim may affect the analysis.
- Do Not defibrillate someone around flammable materials, such as gasoline or freeflowing oxygen.
- Do Not use a cellular phone or radio within 6 feet of the AED. This may interrupt analysis.
Why Do Babies Have Higher Heart Rate?
Newborns have resting heart rates around 100 to 150 beats per minute,
way higher than that of adults. In fact, a newborn’s resting heart rate
is in the ballpark of the target heart rate for an adult doing a heavy workout. What gives? Why do newborns’ hearts beat so much faster than adults’?
Part of the answer lies in the fact that babies grow so dramatically. They burn food in every cell of their bodies to fuel that growth.
The process requires not only an abundance of milk but also oxygen, and it produces large amounts of carbon dioxide as waste.
Babies’ hearts work overtime to keep supplying oxygen and removing carbon dioxide to fuel their amazing growth.
But growth isn’t the only factor, because it’s not just baby animals we’re talking about. Adult Chihuahuas have much higher heart rates than adult elephants. Why? Chihuahuas have a greater surface to volume ratio. In other words, the Chihuahua has a greater proportion of skin than internal tissue, which means it loses more heat to the environment, relatively speaking, than a larger animal.
Babies’ hearts beat much faster than their parents’, both to fuel their growth and make up for greater heat loss to the environment.
So little hearts maintain a higher metabolic rate, pound for pound, than big hearts.
Credit :
Part of the answer lies in the fact that babies grow so dramatically. They burn food in every cell of their bodies to fuel that growth.
The process requires not only an abundance of milk but also oxygen, and it produces large amounts of carbon dioxide as waste.
Babies’ hearts work overtime to keep supplying oxygen and removing carbon dioxide to fuel their amazing growth.
But growth isn’t the only factor, because it’s not just baby animals we’re talking about. Adult Chihuahuas have much higher heart rates than adult elephants. Why? Chihuahuas have a greater surface to volume ratio. In other words, the Chihuahua has a greater proportion of skin than internal tissue, which means it loses more heat to the environment, relatively speaking, than a larger animal.
Babies’ hearts beat much faster than their parents’, both to fuel their growth and make up for greater heat loss to the environment.
So little hearts maintain a higher metabolic rate, pound for pound, than big hearts.
Credit :
Jenis-jenis Imunisasi Dan Manfaatnya
Ada beberapa jenis imunisasi yang direkomendasikan oleh American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) kepada anak-anak:
1. Imunisasi Hepatitis B, berfungsi
untuk melindungi hati. Jika anak terinfeksi virus hepatitis B, maka
dalam jangka panjang ia memiliki risiko terserang penyakit liver ataupun
kanker hati. Imunisasi ini harus diberikan kepada anak-anak sebanyak
tiga kali. Pertama kali diberikan segera setelah si kecil lahir. Yang
kedua kalinya saat ia berusia 1-2 bulan. Dan yang terakhir, saat berusia
6-18 bulan.
2. Imunisasi Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PVC). Imunisasi ini berfungsi melindungi anak dari risiko terkena pneumonia, infeksi dalam darah, dan meningitis. Imunisasi PCV diberikan saat anak berusia di bawah dua atau lima tahun.
3. Imunisasi DTaP, yang fungsinya melindungi anak dari difteri, tetanus, dan pertusis. Difteri merupakan infeksi pada tenggorokan yang dapat menyebabkan gangguan pernapasan. Tetanus adalah penyakit yang menyebabkan kejang yang sangat hebat pada otot. Pertusis merupakan penyakit pernapasan yang berkembang menjadi batuk rejan. Imunisasi DTaP diberikan saat anak berusia 2 bulan, 4 bulan, 6 bulan, 15-18 bulan, dan 4-6 tahun.
4. Imunisasi Haemophilus Influenzae tipe B (HIB), yaitu imunisasi yang melindungi anak dari penyakit meningitis. Imunisasi diberikan melalui suntikan pada usia 2 bulan, 4 bulan, dan 6 bulan.
5. Imunisasi polio, bermanfaat untuk mencegah anak terinfeksi virus polio yang berakibat pada kelumpuhan permanen. Imunisasi polio biasanya diberikan pada saat anak berusia 2 bulan, 4 bulan, 6-18 bulan, dan 4-6 tahun.
6. Imunisasi MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella), yang berfungsi anak dari campak, gondok, dan rubella. Imunisasi MMR diberikan melalui dua kali suntikan, yaitu saat usia 12-15 bulan dan usia 4-6 tahun.
7. Imunisasi Varicella yang memiliki fungsi melindungi anak dari cacar air. Imunisasi varicella diberikan melalui suntikan saat usia 12-15 bulan.
8. Imunisasi terhadap virus Hepatitis A. Imunisasi ini dianjurkan untuk anak usia 12-23 bulan, dan diikuti dosis keduanya 6 bulan kemudian.
9. Imunisasi Rotavirus. Imunisasi ini berfungsi mencegah diare hingga dehidrasi pada anak terutama pada bayi. Imunisasi dianjurkan diberikan pada anak usia 2-4 bulan.
2. Imunisasi Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PVC). Imunisasi ini berfungsi melindungi anak dari risiko terkena pneumonia, infeksi dalam darah, dan meningitis. Imunisasi PCV diberikan saat anak berusia di bawah dua atau lima tahun.
3. Imunisasi DTaP, yang fungsinya melindungi anak dari difteri, tetanus, dan pertusis. Difteri merupakan infeksi pada tenggorokan yang dapat menyebabkan gangguan pernapasan. Tetanus adalah penyakit yang menyebabkan kejang yang sangat hebat pada otot. Pertusis merupakan penyakit pernapasan yang berkembang menjadi batuk rejan. Imunisasi DTaP diberikan saat anak berusia 2 bulan, 4 bulan, 6 bulan, 15-18 bulan, dan 4-6 tahun.
4. Imunisasi Haemophilus Influenzae tipe B (HIB), yaitu imunisasi yang melindungi anak dari penyakit meningitis. Imunisasi diberikan melalui suntikan pada usia 2 bulan, 4 bulan, dan 6 bulan.
5. Imunisasi polio, bermanfaat untuk mencegah anak terinfeksi virus polio yang berakibat pada kelumpuhan permanen. Imunisasi polio biasanya diberikan pada saat anak berusia 2 bulan, 4 bulan, 6-18 bulan, dan 4-6 tahun.
6. Imunisasi MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella), yang berfungsi anak dari campak, gondok, dan rubella. Imunisasi MMR diberikan melalui dua kali suntikan, yaitu saat usia 12-15 bulan dan usia 4-6 tahun.
7. Imunisasi Varicella yang memiliki fungsi melindungi anak dari cacar air. Imunisasi varicella diberikan melalui suntikan saat usia 12-15 bulan.
8. Imunisasi terhadap virus Hepatitis A. Imunisasi ini dianjurkan untuk anak usia 12-23 bulan, dan diikuti dosis keduanya 6 bulan kemudian.
9. Imunisasi Rotavirus. Imunisasi ini berfungsi mencegah diare hingga dehidrasi pada anak terutama pada bayi. Imunisasi dianjurkan diberikan pada anak usia 2-4 bulan.
All About Vaccines
While discussing about Transmissible Diseases in Health Education class, Leony asked about immunizations.
Here's some information for you :
(credit :
Vaccines "teach" your body how to defend itself when germs, such as viruses or bacteria, invade it:
For a few weeks after they are born, babies have some protection from germs that cause diseases. This protection is passed from their mother through the placenta before birth. After a short period, this natural protection goes away.
Vaccines help protect against many diseases that used to be much more common. Examples include tetanus, diphtheria, mumps, measles, pertussis (whooping cough), meningitis, and polio. Many of these infections can cause serious or life-threatening illnesses and may lead to lifelong disabilities. Because of vaccines, many of these illnesses are now rare.
Some people worry that vaccines are not safe and may be harmful, especially for children. They may ask their health care provider to wait or even choose not to have the vaccine. But the benefits of vaccines far outweigh their risks.
Scientific studies have shown that vaccines and their components, such as the preservative thimerosal, do not cause autism or ADHD. Based on these studies, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as the Institute of Medicine conclude that the benefits of vaccines outweigh their risks.
Other information about risks:
Here's some information for you :
(credit :
Vaccines (immunizations) - overview
Vaccines are used to improve your immune system and prevent serious, life-threatening diseases.
HOW VACCINES WORKVaccines "teach" your body how to defend itself when germs, such as viruses or bacteria, invade it:
- They expose you to a very small, very safe amount of viruses or bacteria that have been weakened or killed.
- Your immune system then learns to recognize and attack the infection if you are exposed to it later in life.
- As a result, you will not become ill or you may have a milder infection. This is a natural way to deal with infectious diseases.
- Live virus vaccines use the weakened (or attenuated) form of the virus. The measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and the varicella (chickenpox) vaccine are examples.
- Killed (inactivated) vaccines are made from a protein or other small pieces taken from a virus or bacteria. The flu vaccine is an example.
- Toxoid vaccines contain a toxin or chemical made by the bacteria or virus. They make you immune to the harmful effects of the infection, instead of to the infection itself. Examples are the diphtheria and tetanus vaccines.
- Biosynthetic vaccines contain manmade substances that are very similar to pieces of the virus or bacteria. The Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type B) conjugate vaccine is an example.
For a few weeks after they are born, babies have some protection from germs that cause diseases. This protection is passed from their mother through the placenta before birth. After a short period, this natural protection goes away.
Vaccines help protect against many diseases that used to be much more common. Examples include tetanus, diphtheria, mumps, measles, pertussis (whooping cough), meningitis, and polio. Many of these infections can cause serious or life-threatening illnesses and may lead to lifelong disabilities. Because of vaccines, many of these illnesses are now rare.
Some people worry that vaccines are not safe and may be harmful, especially for children. They may ask their health care provider to wait or even choose not to have the vaccine. But the benefits of vaccines far outweigh their risks.
Scientific studies have shown that vaccines and their components, such as the preservative thimerosal, do not cause autism or ADHD. Based on these studies, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as the Institute of Medicine conclude that the benefits of vaccines outweigh their risks.
Other information about risks:
- Getting the actual infection from vaccines: Unless a person's immune system is weakened, it is unlikely that a vaccine will give the person the infection. Vaccines, such as the measles, mumps, rubella, the chickenpox, and nasal spray flu contain live but weakened viruses and should not be received by persons with weakened immune systems.
- Allergic reactions: Such reactions are rare and are usually to some part (component) of the vaccine.
- Danger of live vaccines: Certain live vaccines may be dangerous to the fetus of a pregnant woman. These include the measles, mumps, rubella vaccine, the chickenpox vaccine, and the nasal spray flu vaccine. To avoid harm to the baby, pregnant women should not receive any of these vaccines. The health care provider can tell you the right time to get these vaccines.
- Chickenpox - vaccine
- DTaP immunization (vaccine)
- Hepatitis A vaccine
- Hepatitis B vaccine
- Hib - vaccine
- HPV vaccine
- Influenza vaccine
- Meningococcal vaccine
- MMR - vaccine
- Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
- Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine
- Polio immunization (vaccine)
- Rotavirus vaccine
- Tdap vaccine
- Tetanus - vaccine
Friday, February 14, 2014
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Primary 5 would like to wish everyone HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY....
Let's spread the love all around the world ^o^
Let's spread the love all around the world ^o^
Our P5 students went to MURNI TEGUH MEMORIAL HOSPITAL to learn more about First Aid. They had a lecture session by Dr. Jony Hartono, Sp.A, one of the paediatrists in the hospital, about simple procedures of first aid for minor cuts, minor burns and nosebleed. Then, another doctor, dr. Anggres Tio, showed them how to bandage wounds. Each of them got a chance to do some practice. In addition, the doctor told them about the correct steps of washing hands, too.
The children really enjoyed the day. They sent out their most sincere gratitude to Dr. Jony Hartono, Sp.A, dr. Anggres Tio and Ibu Effi for the time and opportunity.
Thank you so much to MURNI TEGUH MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. Hope to see you again!
We'll update you with the video version of the activity soon... ^o^
field trip,
Health Education,
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Radio Interview @LA FEMME radio
One of the wise owls, Leony, was invited as a guest at Kiddie Talkie Talkshow in La Femme radio. She shared her school life experience and 'Anti Smoking' campaign plan with everyone. It was a great session and the rest of the wise owls had fun listening to the programme. Keep yourselves updated with the video version of the interview. We'll upload it soon. Meanwhile, have a glance of Leony's lovely moments at the broadcast room :
Stay tune to La Femme radio 88.0 FM every Saturday at 4.30 p.m. for the Kiddie Talkie talkshow as we'll be having other Batari students in the show as well. Don't miss it!
Stay tune to La Femme radio 88.0 FM every Saturday at 4.30 p.m. for the Kiddie Talkie talkshow as we'll be having other Batari students in the show as well. Don't miss it!
Monday, January 27, 2014
During BATARI SCHOOL Year End Event in December 2013, the wise owls held an 'Anti Smoking Campaign'. This campaign aims to spread the message of the harmful effects of cigarettes for our health and environment.
They went through a long preparation for this campaign. Here they are, preparing the T-shirts and stickers :

These are the stickers designed by the wise owls.

Here's the wise owls with Mrs. Veny Lubis (Leony's mother) who donated the largest amount of money during the campaign. Hope she likes the T-shirt ^o^
Thanks to everyone's support and kindness, the kids managed to collect up to Rp.3.151.000,- in total! Bravo!
Finally, it's the day everyone's been waiting for, the wise owls got to visit YAYASAN ABDI KASIH to send the donations they had earned from the campaign. It was a great memorable day for everyone.
We'd like to send our sincere gratitude to everyone who was involved in this project, especially to all parents of Primary 5 for their endless support and kindness. Thank you so much...
Life is great when we have love to share, isn't it?
Well, very well done, kids! You've worked hard for such great purpose! Again, WE ARE SMALL, BUT WE DO BIG THINGS! Keep it up... ^o^9
They went through a long preparation for this campaign. Here they are, preparing the T-shirts and stickers :

These are the stickers designed by the wise owls.

Here's the wise owls with Mrs. Veny Lubis (Leony's mother) who donated the largest amount of money during the campaign. Hope she likes the T-shirt ^o^
Thanks to everyone's support and kindness, the kids managed to collect up to Rp.3.151.000,- in total! Bravo!
Finally, it's the day everyone's been waiting for, the wise owls got to visit YAYASAN ABDI KASIH to send the donations they had earned from the campaign. It was a great memorable day for everyone.
We'd like to send our sincere gratitude to everyone who was involved in this project, especially to all parents of Primary 5 for their endless support and kindness. Thank you so much...
Life is great when we have love to share, isn't it?
Well, very well done, kids! You've worked hard for such great purpose! Again, WE ARE SMALL, BUT WE DO BIG THINGS! Keep it up... ^o^9
field trip,
Grade 5,
Health Education,
school events,
The Wise Owls proudly present you : BUKAN MALIN KUNDANG. This drama was played during our BATARI SCHOOL YEAR END EVENT as a tribute to all moms in December 2013. Click on this link below to enjoy the audio version of our drama.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Dentist interview and dental checkup
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